Sunday, May 24, 2009

If you haven't driven the 1 Highway up the coast of California, it's really something you need to do before you die. Seriously. It's like the Ocean, forests, meadows and a tiny bit of the coast of Ireland all got together and decided to have a conference-for about 100 miles or so. I can show you pictures and video till I'm purple ( insert Murphy Goode plug here) but nothing will compare to you actually peepin' it yourself!

-- Post From My iPhone

Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Trip!

Everything is coming together. I love the last minute countdown to a trip departure. That mixture of stress and excitement...We leave at 4am tomorrow

-- Post From My iPhone
The baker of said cookies use to supply the set of Friends with her tasty delights every week. I've just had 3 minutes.
So through back channels and devious means I just acquired the BEST chocolate chip cookies in the WORLD.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Napa countdown begins...
Just discovered LOVE IT! Now I can update everything from my phone quickly and keep in touch better!

Monday, May 11, 2009

I'm filming for my Murphy Goode application today! Can't wait

The Fume

I can now tell you that Murphy Goode's The Fume not only pairs with oysters, as they say, but pretty much every other food and occasion known to man. For example: This weekend was Mother's Day and I found myself in need of something quaff-able. Enter The Fume. Mother's Day gathering with friends? The Fume. Mother's Day Brunch Buffet? The Fume. Needing to unwind from Mother's Day gathering with friends and Mother's Day Brunch Buffet? You guessed it. The Fume. So that's three bottles in less than 36 hours. Who's counting?